Promote a Healthy Gut with Yoga for Digestion

Promote a Healthy Gut with Yoga for Digestion - Yoga Pose

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, can not only help with improving digestion but also with backache and with reducing anxiety and stress. This powerhouse of a pose helps to alleviate pains associated with digestion, calms the mind from anxiety and provides relief from lower back pain and tension.

1. Start by lying down on your back
2. Bend your knees and bring them close enough for the hands to be able to touch the ankles
3. The feet should be parallel to each other and hip width apart
4. Inhale and as you exhale, lift your hips up while keeping the feet firmly planted on the floor
5. Roll the shoulders under and try to interlace your fingers underneath the back for a deeper heart opener
6. To exit the pose, release the hands and shoulder and gently place your hips back on the ground

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