Yoga For Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Copd

Yoga for COPD - Yoga Pose

What Are the Treatments for COPD?

Treatments aim to reduce the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. These treatments will also reduce the risk of the condition worsening and avoid complications.

The first thing anyone with COPD needs to do is to stop what caused it. Whether smoking or exposure to lung irritants.


Depending on the severity of your COPD, doctors may prescribe long-acting or short-acting bronchodilators.

Other types of medication for COPD include:

– Inhaled steroids
– Theophylline
– Antibiotics
– Oral steroids
– Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors


Sending oxygen to your lungs is a potent therapy for COPD. Portable units to serve this purpose are available to keep the patient mobile and active. Doctors often combine this therapy with medication for severe COPD cases.


In a case of severe Emphysema, medication and therapies might not be sufficient. Doctors might recommend surgery for such patients.

The three types of surgery performed on COPD patients are:

– Lung transplant
– Bullectomy. This procedure involves removing abnormal air spaces to improve airflow in the lungs
– Lung volume reduction. Here, surgeons remove the damaged tissues of the upper lungs to create space for the rest of the lungs to expand efficiently

Lifestyle Changes

As you’ve seen earlier, if you smoke, you need to quit. This is the most important thing you have to do to save your life. If you don’t smoke, you must stop exposing yourself to chemical fumes, dust, or secondhand smoke. If your exposure is job related, you might have to get a transfer or another job.

Your diet also has to change. While there isn’t a certain diet for COPD, stick to healthy meals that will help your body function optimally.

Drink plenty of fluids and cut back on caffeine and salt. According to the nutritional guidelines for people living with COPD, you should drink six to eight (8 ounces) cups of non-caffeinated fluid. This will help thin the mucus and make it easier to cough out.

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