One Simple Word Could Help You Focus During Meditation

One Simple Word Could Help You Focus During Yoga & Meditation - Yoga Pose

How to Practice Mantra Meditation

The goal of mantra meditation is to cut out all of the outside noise and distractions, and to truly harness the power within. To do this, you must first find a mantra that resonates with you, be still, and focus.

Step 1

Find a word, quote, phrase, song or sound that you associate with. Your mantra should be only a few syllables, and something you can repeat over and over again with very little effort. Try to focus your mantra on something positive and inspiring, not disturbing or saddening.

Step 2

Find a comfortable seated position somewhere you feel safe. Make sure your spine is comfortably aligned and close your eyes. Remain relaxed and remember to breathe deeply.

Step 3

Now begin by repeating your mantra time and time again, softly either in your mind or out loud. Focus on every sound as you repeat your mantra with your natural breath.

Step 4

Thoughts will come and go throughout your practice. With each breath, be sure to return to your mantra and the words repeated over and over again.

Step 5

Continue your meditation for your set times. To peacefully come out of your meditation, simply take several deep breaths, open your eyes and reflect.

Following your mantra meditation, you should feel calm and collected. Some feel an overwhelming nostalgic feeling, which is common given the focus on self-reflection and inward thinking of this practice.

Ready to get started? On the next page, we’ll describe some of the most popular mantras you can try for yourself.

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