7 Yoga Poses to Help with Sinusitis

7 Yoga Poses to Help with Sinusitis

How is a Sinus Infection Detected?

Most of the time, doctors can diagnose your sinus infection by identifying your symptoms and some physical exams.

They may also press your cheeks and head for tenderness or pressure. Doctors could also check the insides of your nose for signs of inflammation.

The doctor could also require imaging tests to see the mucus blocking your sinuses and look for abnormal growths. They’ll usually do this with chronic sinusitis. An MRI or a CT scan is often used for imaging.

How Do I Know If My Sinusitis is Viral or Bacterial?

Knowing if your sinus infection is caused by bacteria or a virus is important because the approach to treating the two is different. You’ll know the difference by how long the symptoms last. Viral sinusitis will go away within seven to ten days. However, a bacterial sinus infection will last beyond ten days.

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