6 Yoga Poses for Breast Cancer Patients

6 Yoga Poses for Breast Cancer Patients

More than 275,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year in the United States. It’s the second-most prevalent cancer among women behind skin cancer. Every October, a universally recognized campaign supports women’s health with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Multiple organizations team together to raise awareness of breast cancer, and to teach about prevention and diagnosis methods.

Fortunately, survival rates for this common disease are improving, as we become more aware and knowledgeable about the warning signs and in-home checks that allow us to detect and treat the cancer before it progresses. However, treatment can still significantly reduce a patient’s quality of life.

In the next few pages, we’ll discuss common treatments and how they affect a person’s body. We’ll then discuss how yoga can help and give six yoga poses that may be beneficial to people with breast cancer.
