The Root Chakra & Its Role In Helping Us Stay Grounded

The Root Chakra & Its Role in Helping Us Stay Grounded - Yoga Pose

The Muladhara chakra, also known as the root chakra is the very first chakra located at the base of the spine. The role of this chakra is to help us feel safe, secure and supported.

Characteristics of a balanced root chakra:
– Feeling grounded
– Being at ease with yourself
– Feeling comfortable in new situations and environments

Why the Root Chakra is Important

When this chakra is in balance, we can feel at home with ourselves. No matter what is happening outside of us, internally we are at ease. Big life changes such as a new job, moving to a different city and getting married to name a few can seem easier to navigate when the root chakra is balanced. Our movements, speech, and thinking are clear and focused on the task at hand instead of being caught up in the anxieties of the past and the future.

A balanced root chakra gives us the ability to face the ups and downs of life with courage and confidence. This ability then builds a sense of resiliency that allows us to move out of our comfort zones, aim for larger goals and discover new horizons. However, we risk the loss of this safety and confidence if we do not care for and tend to our root chakra.

The Root Chakra & Its Role in Helping Us Stay Grounded - Yoga Pose

Is My Root Chakra Out of Balance?

When out of balance, there is a tendency to feel unsafe and uncomfortable regardless of the situation. We could be engaging in mundane activities with people we know however internally there could be this underlying feeling of impending doom. That all might sound scary and overwhelming however the good news is that we can always find our way back to our internal safe zone.

Characteristics of an unbalanced root chakra:

– Excessive negativity
– Feeling insecure about yourself and others
– Feeling anxious even in familiar situations

The Root Chakra & Its Role in Helping Us Stay Grounded - Yoga Pose

How to Keep Your Root Chakra in Balance

The chakras, just like any other bodily system, need to be in the right environment in order to flourish and ultimately to allow us to do the same. Taking proper care of our root chakra will make space for us to show up as our best selves without getting caught up in anxiety and insecurities.

Here are three ways you can help balance the root chakra:

The Root Chakra & Its Role in Helping Us Stay Grounded - Yoga Pose

1. Wear the Color Red

In the chakra system, each chakra has a designated color that helps activate each respective chakra. The color for the root chakra is red. Wearing the color red will recharge your center of safety and leave you feeling empowered.

The Root Chakra & Its Role in Helping Us Stay Grounded - Yoga Pose

2. Chant the Sound ‘LAM’

Just like colors, each chakra also has its own respective bija or seed mantra. The frequency of each bija mantra has the ability to heal and reboot the different chakras that are present in our bodies. The bija mantra for the root chakra is LAM. Chanting this sound will bring back balance to the root chakra and help in feeling more present and secure.

The Root Chakra & Its Role in Helping Us Stay Grounded - Yoga Pose

3. Practice Grounding Yoga Asanas

Simple yet extremely effective grounding poses have the ability to bring us back to the present moment and restore a sense of security within ourselves. Standing in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Chair Pose (Utkatasana) to name a few will really help your body and ultimately the root chakra to feel more at ease and comfortable.

The next time you feel ungrounded and overly anxious, try these few tips and notice how you’re able to come back home to yourself and take on life feeling safer and more supported.