Bruce Sommers
By day, Bruce is the founder of an advertising agency, Sincbox Media, that has thrived for more than 20 years. It’s through riding the chaotic waves of creative businesses that Bruce discovered his own struggles with mental illness. Before finding yoga, he found himself battling manic bursts of creativity which were enhanced and exasperated by his ADHD. These sensations would give way to life arresting depression. He later discovered these were the repercussions of a massive head trauma sustained in a childhood car accident. A natural adrenaline junkie, anxiety and depression were common in Bruce’s life. A physical injury, a torn meniscus, triggered Bruce’s yoga journey. Turning to practice as a therapeutic rehabilitation, Bruce found that, not only did his knee recover, but he also experienced a lesser dependence on coffee ,ADHD medicine and fewer bouts of anxiety and depression. At this point, his mindfulness started to expand, and he is now in a usual state of gratitude.