Alyssa Macon


Alyssa Macon is a mom (and dog mom) in Nashville, TN who started practicing yoga in 2013. Like a lot of people, she came to yoga for the physical aspects simply wanting to stay in shape. Over time, she realized that the asana may bring us to yoga but it’s usually not what keeps us here.
After her 30th birthday, she felt like she was in a weird place…  just not herself. She knew that something needed to change so she decided to be consistent in her yoga and meditation practice. When she did, all of the other aspects of yoga showed up. She’s more content than before. She developed a kinder relationship with her mind and body. She found herself surrounded with the love and the sense of community that yoga brings and wants to share that with others.
She hopes to not only help people develop more balance, strength, and flexibility in their body but also in their mind and spirit through movement and breath.
You can learn more about Alyssa here!