Upward Salute Pose
Urdhva Hastasana (OORD-vuh huh-STAHS-uh-nuh)
Benefits of upward salute pose
- Stretches the belly
- Increases shoulder rotation
- Engages through inner arches of the feet
SUMMARY OF upward salute Pose
Upward Salute is a simple standing posture usually cued at the start of a Sun Salutation sequence or as part of a breathing exercise. The Sanskrit name literally translates as “raised arms pose” (“Urdhva” meaning upward, “hasta” meaning hand). It’s a great stretch for the whole body, encouraging you to lengthen upwards through fingertips and head while grounding through the feet.
Upward Salute Pose Tutorial
1.) Start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Root through the soles of your feet. Shorten the space between the big toe knuckle and the heel to engage through the inner arches of both feet.
2.) On an inhale, raise your arms overhead in a broad, sweeping motion.
3.) Bring your palms to heart center, draw your shoulder blades down your back, hug your ribs down to your belly button, engaging your core, and point your sternum upwards. Breathe here. Hold this position for up to five minutes.
4.) To release out of this position, simply return to Mountain Pose and enjoy the calm.
Health Benefits of upward salute Pose
Upward Salute for stretching Armpits & Shoulders
Reaching the arms overhead while engaging transabdominal muscles really opens up the armpits, shoulders and triceps. Regularly stretching through upper limbs is vital for maintaining decent shoulder mobility and preventing future injury and strain.
Upward Salute for Relieving Mild Anxiety Symptoms
Including Upward Salute as part of your breathing sequence is great way to visualise and manifest the upward motion associated with inhaling and the softening brought by exhaling. Focusing the mind on the breaths and movement could be used as a grounding technique if you suffer with anxiety.
Contraindications & Cautions
- Neck injury (see modifications)
- Shoulder injury