Lunar Practice
Yoga Poses in this Sequence

Bridge Pose
BRIDGE POSE Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (SAY-tu BAHN-duh sar-vahn-GAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF BRIDGE POSE Stretches the spine, chest, and neck Improves digestion Reduces backache Lowers stress and anxiety Helps symptoms of asthma Useful for those with high blood pressure SUMMARY OF BRIDGE POSE Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, is a standard part of many yoga …

Cat Pose
CAT POSE Marjaryasana (mar-jar-YAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF CAT POSE Releases anxiety Stretches the back Massages the abdomen Opens the chest SUMMARY OF CAT POSE Cat Pose, or Marjaryasana, is one of the most commonly recognized yoga poses. The shape of the body resembles a stretching, arching cat. This pose is usually done as a partner …

Cow Pose
COW POSE Bitilasana (biht-LAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF COW POSE Releases stress, anxiety and tension Stretches back Helps digestion Builds arm strength SUMMARY OF COW POSE Cow Pose, or Bitlasana, is a floor pose which is traditionally paired with Cat Pose. They are the mirrors of each other. Cow Pose shouldn’t be confused with Cow Face …

Low Lunge Pose
LOW LUNGE POSE Anjaneyasana (AHN-jah-nay-AHS-uh-nuh) BENEFITS OF LOW LUNGE POSE Opens the hips Stretches the quadriceps and the hamstrings Increases the flexibility of the spine Prevents back pain Lengthens the arm muscles Opens the chest Improves balance and awareness Motivates SUMMARY OF LOW LUNGE POSE The Low Lunge Pose, or Anjaneyasana, is a backbend …
Bobby Rodriguez
Bobby Rodríguez came across the yoga practice over ten years ago while navigating what felt like rock bottom. After years of self medicating and disordered eating proved fruitless, the tools of the yoga practice allowed Bobby to find healing in Self excavation through movement- and later on stillness. Bobby draws largely from Ashtanga and Dharma …