Grounding and Tension Releasers
Yoga Poses in this Sequence

Boat Pose
BOAT POSE Paripurna Navasana (par-ee-POOR-nah nah-VAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF BOAT POSE Relieves stress Strengthens core, abdomen and spine Improves digestion and metabolism Builds concentration and stamina SUMMARY OF BOAT POSE Boat Pose, or Paripurna Navasana, is a great pose for building balance while drawing in your full concentration. As you hold the position, you will …

Cat Pose
CAT POSE Marjaryasana (mar-jar-YAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF CAT POSE Releases anxiety Stretches the back Massages the abdomen Opens the chest SUMMARY OF CAT POSE Cat Pose, or Marjaryasana, is one of the most commonly recognized yoga poses. The shape of the body resembles a stretching, arching cat. This pose is usually done as a partner …

Child’s Pose
CHILD’S POSE Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF CHILD’S POSE Stretches hip and thighs Relieves back pain Reduces stress and anxiety SUMMARY OF CHILD’S POSE Child’s Pose, or Balasana, is a wonderfully relaxing pose which is part of most yoga routines as a moment to pause. Child’s Pose is about releasing yourself to the world and …

Corpse Pose
CORPSE POSE Savasana (sah-VAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF CORPSE POSE Lowers blood pressure Releases anxiety and tension Reduces headaches Helps with insomnia SUMMARY OF CORPSE POSE Corpse Pose, or Savasana, is one of the simplest poses in the entire yoga repertoire. You simply lie on your back. But within that is a wealth of power. Interestingly, …

Cow Face Pose
COW FACE POSE Gomukhasana (goh-muhk-HAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF COW FACE POSE Stretches arms Builds flexibility Stretches the hips Strengthens upper back muscles SUMMARY OF COW FACE POSE Cow Face Pose, or Gomukhasana, has a similar name to Cow Pose, but the two are entirely different. Cow Face Pose is a twisting sitting pose where the …

Easy Pose
EASY POSE Sukhasana (soo-KAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF EASY POSE Opens the hips Stretches ankles and knees Strengthens back muscles Reduces stress and anxiety SUMMARY OF EASY POSE Easy Pose, or Sukhasana, is a pose often taught to children as a way for them to sit quietly on the floor. It is also known as “Simple …

Half Lord of the Fishes
HALF LORD OF THE FISHES Ardha Matsyendrasana (ARE-dah MOT-see- en-DRAHS-anna) BENEFITS OF HALF LORD OF THE FISHES Opens the hips Stretches the hamstrings and the psoas muscles Engages the spine Promotes awareness of breath Improves digestion SUMMARY OF HALF LORD OF THE FISHES The Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, or Ardha Matsyendrasana, offers …

Staff Pose
STAFF POSE Dandasana (duhn-DAHS-uh-nuh) BENEFITS OF STAFF POSE Stretches hamstrings Relieves lower back tension Strengthens back muscles Improves posture SUMMARY OF STAFF POSE Staff pose, or Dandasana (“Danda-” meaning staff, “-asana” meaning pose), is an upright seated position that allows for the opening of the hamstrings, while simultaneously strengthening the back muscles. With modifications, …

Thread the Needle Pose
THREAD THE NEEDLE POSE Parsva Balasana (PARSH-big buh-LAHS-uh-nuh) BENEFITS OF THREAD THE NEEDLE POSE Effective release of back tension Naturally detoxes the body Relieves tension between the shoulder blades Stretches arms, chest and neck SUMMARY OF THREAD THE NEEDLE POSE Thread the Needle is a simple kneeling pose that provides relief for neck and …
Allison Kastner
Allison has been in the yoga world for 10 years and has been on several yoga retreats around the world practicing and teaching. In 2015 she took her first 200 hour teacher training at Yoga Shanti, one of the top NYC yoga studios with teachers, Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman. Soon after Allison completed her …